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DEWE Dewei International was invited to attend the German Architectural Association Summer Festival in 2017.


On September 1, 2017, DEWEDWE International was invited to attend the German Architectural Association Summer Festival in 2017. This summer festival is not only a grand occasion for German architects and designers, but also a celebration of the reopening of the Dresden Cultural Palace in Germany.


On April 28 this year, the Dresden Palace of Culture opened its new concert hall, the new Central Library and the Little Theatre of "The Staff of Helix". The renovation of the cultural heritage preservation part of the building and the new concert hall of the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra residence hall are implemented in accordance with the scheme won by GMP Architects in the design competition in 2009.


The reconstruction and renovation of Dresden Cultural Palace is how to reconsider the concept of "Cultural Palace" with architectural means, and how to deal with new functional requirements on top of a highly recognizable building. With this re-interpreted cultural palace, Dresden not only has a concert hall that can rank among the world's top performers, but also has an open palace of culture and knowledge, an unconstrained place for citizens to communicate. Therefore, the tradition of building bearing has been reborn.


During the summer festival, DEWE Dewei International visited the newly reborn building and had in-depth exchanges with architects and designers attending the summer festival on architectural construction, decorative assembly and future presentation of design. It can be said that this is a very important industry exchange, and has a more forward-looking understanding of the advanced design thinking of Germany and even the world.


